Driving Directions to Northtown Collision Center
From Camdenton Square: North on Business Hwy 5 for 2.2 miles, then left on Old Route 5 for 1.8 miles.
FromĀ the Junction of NEW State Rt 5 & Hwy 54: Go North on Rt 5 to the Pier 31 Exit. Go over the overpass 4/10th of a mile (West) to the first turn on the right (Old Rt. 5). Go North on Old Rt. 5 for 1.8 miles. We are on your left.
From Greenview/Niangua Bridge: A mile south of the bridge, turn right on Harvest Rd. The highway sign reads "Lake Rd 5-71 thru 5-81" as well as "Old RT 5". Turn right (west) to Old Route 5. Turn left on Old Route 5 and go 1.7 miles, we are on your right. |